Sunday, May 13, 2007

May 9, 2007: The Bank Call

May 9, 2007.

The conjunctivitis and severe throat infection has taken my mind off the car for a couple of days.
Got back to work and the Public bank officer, Yamuna, finally called me regarding my loan. She gave me pretty bad rates. 2.65% for a tenure of 5 years. My friend's relative got 2.57% for 5 years too. Anyway, I tried to request for a lower rate, i.e. 2.5% but they insisted I took a higher loan instead. I agreed with that term since the interest is low. I remember my MBA finance lecturer told me that it's the perfect time to in debt now since loan interest is low. Yamuna told me that she will need HQ's approval before she can confirm on the 2.5% rate.
Have to wait another day.....

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